Dr Seán Carroll

by Dr Seán Carroll


Python 101 - The (very) Basics

11. Python basics - section overview

In this section, we'll dive into the foundational concepts of Python programming. These are the basic building blocks of any programming language, but in this section, we focus on how they’re implemented in Python.

We'll start by exploring variables and the various Python data types, such as integers, floats, strings, and more. We’ll explore the features and benefits of each data type, leaving you with a good understanding of what to use where.

Next, we'll move on to functions, another essential building block of any programming language. You'll learn how to create reusable pieces of code that can be easily called and executed whenever needed. We'll cover function definitions, parameters, return values, and how to call functions in your programmes.

Then we'll tackle loops which are an indispensable code structure for automating repetitive tasks. You'll learn about the two main types of loops in Python - for and while loops. We’ll see how they can be used to iterate through data structures and control the flow of your programmes.

After this, we will focus on control flow with conditional statements. Here, you'll learn how to make decisions in your code using if, elif, and else statements. We’ll finish this section by presenting a challenge for you to tackle on your own. This will help you get a better grasp of everything we’ve covered up to this point.

In the final lesson, we'll walk through a solution for the exercise in the previous lesson. I’ll explain, step-by-step, one way that the problem can be solved. In the solution, we’ll see a more practical application of what we’ve learned but you’ll also get a sense of how to tackle similar problems you encounter in the future.

Once you’ve completed this section, you'll have a firm grasp on the basics of Python programming and be well-equipped to start exploring the new tools and functionalities provided by the libraries we cover in the following sections.