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by Dr Cyd Cowley

Updated 10 May 2024

Predicting Performance for Magnetic Fusion

Machine Learning for Fusion Part 2
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In this tutorial you'll learn how to predict the performance for fusion devices known as tokamaks. In magnetic confinement fusion, strong magnetic fields are used to to ensure the heat in a 150 million °C fusion plasma is not quickly lost to the surrounding environment.

The rate of this energy loss is measured by the energy confinement time, τ\tau. A high confinement time corresponds to a better-performing device, and vice versa. If we have accurate ways of predicting confinement using the design features of a fusion device, then we can better optimise the fusion power-plants of the future.

In this demo, you will build models using real experimental data from tokamaks around the world. The data in question, known as the ITPA H-mode confinement database, can be found here:



To get started, let's import the requiered libraries: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, sklearn and twinLab.

# Third-party imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

#twinLab Imports
import twinlab as tl

Then, we'll load in the experimental data (remember to download it first from here https://dataspace.princeton.edu/handle/88435/dsp01m900nx49h):

# Import spreadsheet data
xls = pd.ExcelFile("HDB5V2.3.xlsx")
sheet = xls.parse(0)
#set digiLab colors
colors = ["#162448","#009FE3","#7DB928"]

The data consists of confinement times measured in several different tokamaks around the world; from JET in the UK, to JT-60 in Japan, to ASDEX in Germany. In addition to the experimentally measured confinement times, the data file also includes parameters that the experiment was run with, like the magnetic field and plasma current.

note: a good confinement time for magnetic fusion is around 10 seconds, wheras a low, poor confinement time may be around 1 millisecond.

After loading in the data, we need to turn it into a pandas dataframe and keep only the data we're using for this project. Specifically, we'll be focusing on the JET tokamak, with its original carbon wall, using only the high confinement mode (H-mode) shots.

#create a pandas dataframe from imported data
end = -1
df = pd.DataFrame({
                  "TAUTH":sheet["TAUTOT"][0:end], # energy confinement time
                  "BT":sheet["BT"][0:end],"IP":sheet["IP"][0:end], #magnetic field
                   "PLTH":sheet["PLTH"][0:end], #thermal power
                   "RGEO":sheet["RGEO"][0:end], # major radius 
                   "KAPPA":sheet["KAPPA"][0:end], #elongation
                   "NEL":sheet["NEL"][0:end], #electron density
                   "MEFF": sheet["MEFF"][0:end], #effective mass number
                   "epsilon": sheet["AMIN"][0:end]/sheet["RGEO"][0:end], # inverse aspect ratio
                    "TOK": sheet["TOK"][0:end], #tokamak name
                    "WALMAT": sheet["WALMAT"][0:end], #material of surrounding walls
                    "PHASE": sheet["PHASE"][0:end], #what confinement mode the plasma is in

#ensure all data is numerical and no NANs
df = df.dropna(axis=0)
df['NEL'] = df['NEL'].astype(float)
#pick data corresponding to the JET tokamak
df = df.loc[((df['TOK']=="JET"))]
#select only data with a carbon wall
df = df.loc[["C" in entry for entry in df['WALMAT']]]
#select data only in high-confinement mode, or H-mode
df = df.loc[[((entry=="H") or (entry=="HSELM") or (entry=="HGELM")) for entry in df['PHASE']]]

Inspecting the data

Now that we've prepared the data, we can now start to interrogate it. For example, we can plot confinement time against the toroidal magnetic field for the chosen JET experiments:

#plot the energy confinement time against toroidal magnetic field
plt.xlabel("magnetic field [T]")
plt.ylabel("energy confinement time [s]")


We can see there's a rough positive correlation between the two; as magnetic field increases, so does energy confinement time. However, they are not perfectly correlated and the relationship seems very unclear and messy. This is because there are more than 7 other important parameters changing across these experiments, so of course it's difficult to see a clear relationship when only 1 of the features is used for plotting.

Try plotting the data as a function of other features, such as electron density ("NEL"). Are there clear relationships between these features and the energy confinement time?

Building a linear regression model

So, we've found with many parameters changing in these experiments, it's difficult to determine the relationship between design features and performance just by plotting or manual inspection. Because of this, we'll turn to machine learning models. And we'll start off with a simple linear regression model.

Before we train the model, we need to prepare our data, by taking the logarithm of our inputs and outputs. The reason we do this is because the underlying relationships are multiplicative. If we take the logarithm of a multiplicative relationship, we get a linear relationship that we can build a linear regression model on.

dflog = df.copy()
#transform data into log space
dflog["IP"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["IP"]))
dflog["BT"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["BT"]))
dflog["NEL"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["NEL"]))
dflog["PLTH"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["PLTH"]))
dflog["RGEO"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["RGEO"]))
dflog["KAPPA"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["KAPPA"]))
dflog["epsilon"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["epsilon"]))
dflog["MEFF"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["MEFF"]))
dflog["TAUTH"] = np.log10(np.abs(df["TAUTH"]))

Next we'll split the data into a portion for training and testing. Then we'll define our output, which is the confinement time ("TAUTH"), and our inputs, which are:

BB - toroidal magnetic field strength ("BT")
II - plasma current ("IP")
κ\kappa - plasma elongation ("KAPPA")
nn - core electron density ("NEL")
PP - thermal power ("PLTH")

#split the data into a training set (30%) and a test set (70%)
train, test = train_test_split(dflog,test_size=0.7)

#training x and y data
Xtrain = train[["BT","IP","KAPPA","NEL","PLTH"]]
Ytrain = train["TAUTH"]

#test x and y data
Xtest = test[["BT","IP","KAPPA","NEL","PLTH"]]
Ytest = test["TAUTH"]

Then, using the training data we can train a multi-linear regression that is able to predict the confinement time of JET given some experimental design features.

#fit the linear regression to the training data
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()

#return the coefficients of the regression model

The trained linear regression will produce a set of coefficients that look like this:

0.34151793, 0.95426829, 1.30687584, 0.12955155, -0.66900274

note: your exact coefficients will be different due to the random shuffling of the train/test split!

These coefficients tell you how each input feature affects the confinement time of the experiment. So with the coefficients above, the linear regression model would be:

τB0.34I0.95κ1.30n0.13P0.67\tau \propto B^{0.34}I^{0.95}\kappa^{1.30}n^{0.13}P^{-0.67}

Hopefully you can see the power of a linear regression model. With these coefficients we can look at the above equation and gain some intuition about how features effect confinement. For example, the equation shows that all parameters have a postive impact on confinement time, apart from the thermal power, which reduces the confinement.

Finally we can test this model, by plotting the predicted confinement times against the actual measured confinement times for the test data.

plt.ylabel("measured confinement time [s]")
plt.xlabel("linear model predicted confinement time [s]")

In this plot, the closer the points are to the diagnonal black line, the better the agreement of the model. Try retraining a linear regression model with more or fewer inputs and see how the accuracy of the model changes!

Building a gaussian process regression model

Though linear regression produced a well-performing model for tokamak performance, there are many other machine learning methods we could use. For example, we could use the machine learning platform twinLab and train a Gaussian Process (GP) emulator on the data.

# Initialise emulator
emulator_id = "confinement_emulator"
emulator = tl.Emulator(id=emulator_id)

# Define the training parameters for your emulator
params = tl.TrainParams(train_test_ratio=1)

# Train the mulator using the train method
emulator.train(dataset=dataset,inputs = ["BT","NEL","PLTH","IP","KAPPA"],
               outputs=["TAUTH"], params=params,verbose=True)

Then, we can assess the performance of the trained model by plotting the real confinement times against the confinement times predicted by the gaussian process model. Remember these predictions are for the test data, which the GP model hasn't seen yet.

#predict the confinement time using the emulator on test data
df_pred = emulator.predict(test)
result_df = pd.concat([df_pred[0],df_pred[1]],axis=1)
df_mean,df_stdev = result_df.iloc[:,0],result_df.iloc[:,1]
ymean, ystdev = df_mean.values, df_stdev.values

plt.ylabel("measured confinement time [s]")
plt.xlabel("GP model predicted confinement time [s]")

Here we see even better agreement than the linear regression model! Again, try training the model again with different input features and see how the results change! Or you could try differnt kernels for the GP, or even use autoML functionality to automatically select a different kernel.

Extrapolating to reactors

One vital benefit of using a gaussian process is that it is an inherently probabalistic machine learning method. That means - in addition to making predictions - a GP can output the uncertainty of its predictions.

Let's show this by taking a random point in the JET training data, and fixing all parameters as their value at this point, apart from the toroidal magnetic field. For the field, let's vary it between 1 and 8 tesla.

key = train["BT"].keys()[0] #pick a random piece of training data
extrapolation_points = 150 

# produce new data that has constant parameters apart from magnetic field, which varies from 1 to 8 T
field = np.zeros(extrapolation_points)
maxfield = 8
minfield = 1
for i in range(extrapolation_points):
    field[i] = np.log10(minfield+(maxfield-minfield)*i/extrapolation_points)
Upgrade_JET =  pd.DataFrame({"BT":field,"IP":np.zeros(extrapolation_points)+train["IP"][key],

#run the emulator throughout this region of varying magnetic field
df_pred_extrapolate = emulator.predict(Upgrade_JET)
result_df_pred_upgrade = pd.concat([df_pred_extrapolate[0], df_pred_extrapolate[1]], axis=1)
df_mean_upgrade, df_stdev_upgrade = result_df_pred_upgrade.iloc[:, 0], result_df_pred_upgrade.iloc[:, 1]
y_mean_upgrade, y_stdev_upgrade = df_mean_upgrade.values, df_stdev_upgrade.values

Then we can plot the emulator predictions throughout this range of magnetic fields. Specifically, we can plot the uncertainty bands of the model corresponding to 0.5 and 1 standard deviation.

#plot the JET training data in this parameter space
plt.plot(10**(train["BT"][key]),10**(train["TAUTH"][key]),".",color="black",markersize=18,label="Present-day JET")

#plot the gaussian process model prediction and uncertainties

#show the magnetic field of ITER, a reactor-like device under construction in France
plt.plot([5.3,5.3],[0.1,0.7],linestyle="--",label="ITER-like field",color=colors[3])

plt.xlabel("magnetic field [T]")
plt.ylabel("energy confinement time [s]")

note: this graph may look different for you due to the random shuffling of the train test split!

As you can see from the figure, as we move further and further away from the known parameter space (where our training data is), the gaussian process becomes more and more uncertain. This is important because future, reactor-like tokamaks such as ITER (below) will be much larger, and have stronger magnetic fields than devices like JET. As we move into this unkown regime which is far away from the data our models are trained on, it's absolutely vital to quantify and understand the uncertainty in our models.


Congratulations, if you've followed this tutorial then you have sucsesfully built two different models that can predict the confinement of magnetic fusion devices.

This challenge is a real one facing fusion, and models like the those we've built here have been used to influence the design of tokamaks for decades. The importance and impact of what you've done here cannot be overstated!

Of course, the work doesn't end here. If you'd like, try to go back over this tutorial and train models on a different machine, or using differnt inputs or methods. Or, if you'd like to dive deeper into probabalistic machine learning methods, check out our other tutorials on the digiLab website.

Dr Cyd Cowley
Fusion Solutions Engineer

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