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by Dr Cyd Cowley

Updated 12 March 2024

Introduction to Fusion

Part 1 of Machine Learning for Fusion Series
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Introduction to Fusion Energy

There are many potential applications for machine learning, and few are as technically complex as nuclear fusion.

In this video series, plasma physicist and fusion solutions engineer Dr Cyd Cowley explores the applications of machine learning in the development of fusion. These include ongoing applications, as well as potential areas where machine learning could be applied in the future.

✨In this first episode you will learn about the fundamental concepts surrounding fusion energy. By the end of the episode you will know what fusion is, why we are researching it, and why it's a great application for machine learning.✨

This introductory video is just the start of a broader dive into machine learning in fusion. In later episodes, there will be demos, examples, and interviews with experts in various aspects of fusion and machine learning.

From gaussian processes in experimental data analysis, to deep reinforcement learning for plasma control, there's a lot more ground to cover in this overview of machine learning for fusion!

Dr Cyd Cowley
Fusion Solutions Engineer

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